The Eureka Eurostars programme is co-funded by the European Union through Horizon Europe. It aims to foster transnational innovation by providing significant funding to R&D projects that seek to commercialise novel products, processes, or services with a civilian purpose.

What is the Eurostars Programme?

Eurostars is recognised as the largest international funding programme dedicated to supporting innovative SMEs. It emphasises collaborative R&D projects, encouraging partnerships among SMEs, universities, and research centres across 37 participating countries. Even organisations from non-participating countries are welcomed to join a Eurostars consortium, making it a truly global initiative.

The programme’s core objective is to bolster projects led by innovative SMEs, ensuring they have the resources and support necessary to transform ground breaking ideas into market-ready solutions. Each year, the programme facilitates approximately €250 million in public-private investment, funding around 680 organisations.

Why Choose Eurostars?

Participating in Eurostars offers numerous advantages:

  1. Access to Public Funding: Successful applicants receive substantial grants from their national funding bodies, significantly offsetting R&D costs.
  2. International Network: Participants join a growing network of SMEs, universities, and research centres, fostering long-term relationships and collaborative opportunities.
  3. Expert Support: The programme provides access to a network of industry experts, enhancing the quality and impact of R&D projects.
  4. Market Expansion: Many companies experience a 15% increase in annual turnover, with 69% entering new markets and 68% improving their market share.
  5. Visibility and Credibility: Participation boosts the visibility of organizations within their specialist fields, often leading to enhanced perceptions from private investors.

Competitive Edge

Despite the competitive nature of Eurostars, the average success rate is high in comparison with other comparable programmes, averaging at 29%. The submission and evaluation processes are centralised and transparent, ensuring all applications are judged fairly by industry experts.

Eurostars is not just about funding; it is about creating a sustainable ecosystem where R&D relationships evolve into lasting business partnerships. The programme’s emphasis on market-driven innovation means that projects are not only scientifically sound but also commercially viable.

Business Benefits Beyond Funding

Participation in Eurostars often leads to transformative outcomes for businesses. Apart from financial support, companies benefit from increased market visibility and improved business relationships. The statistics speak for themselves: companies involved in Eurostars projects report significant market expansion and enhanced technological capabilities.

Moreover, the programme’s emphasis on collaboration fosters a culture of innovation, pushing companies to explore new ideas and markets. This collaborative spirit is crucial in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, where staying ahead of the curve often means joining forces with like-minded innovators.

How to Get Involved

The process to apply for Eurostars is straightforward but rigorous. Interested parties must form a consortium with at least one other independent entity from a participating country. The innovative SME must be the primary applicant and project leader. The consortium can include other SMEs, large companies, universities, and research organisations (each country operates its own eligibility criteria, so it is imperative to read the guidelines for each participating country).

The next deadline for Eurostars applications is 12th September 2024. Prospective applicants should begin preparations well in advance to ensure their proposals are robust and comprehensive. For a free consultation to discuss your project, contact RedKnight today.