Innovate UK has announced the next round of its Biomedical Catalyst (BMC) competition, offering up to £15 million in funding for innovation projects aimed at addressing critical health and healthcare challenges. This industry-led R&D initiative provides a valuable opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop cutting-edge solutions, spanning from disease prevention to digital health technologies.

Focus Areas of the Competition
The competition is designed to foster innovation across a wide range of health-related areas. Projects are encouraged to focus on one or more of the following:
• Disease Prevention and Management: Projects that develop proactive strategies for managing health and chronic conditions, with the goal of improving long-term health outcomes.
• Early Detection and Diagnosis: Innovations that allow for faster, more accurate detection of diseases, leading to more effective treatments and better patient outcomes.
• Tailored Treatments and Cures: Research aimed at personalising treatments that target the root causes of diseases or offer potential cures for conditions that currently have limited treatment options.
• Transforming Healthcare Delivery: Projects that focus on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare systems, making them more accessible and responsive.
• Development of Digital Health Technologies: The advancement of digital tools to enhance patient care, monitoring, and self-care.
• Consumer-Focused Self-Care: Innovations that empower individuals to take charge of their health and well-being through accessible, consumer-focused products.

This broad scope ensures that a wide range of health and healthcare innovations can be supported through the competition, from cutting-edge biotechnology to revolutionary digital health platforms.

Eligibility Criteria for Projects
To qualify for the BMC competition, projects must meet several key criteria. First and foremost, projects must demonstrate evidence of both commercial and technical feasibility. This ensures that proposed solutions have a strong chance of reaching the market and making a tangible impact on healthcare systems.

Additionally, each project must:
• Have total project costs between £150,000 and £4 million.
• Not exceed a grant request of £2 million.
• Ensure that at least 50% of the project costs are covered by the SMEs if it’s a collaborative project.
• Be completed within a timeframe of 6 to 36 months.
• Be carried out entirely within the UK and aim to exploit results in the UK.
• Begin no later than 1st May 2025 and finish by 30th September 2028.
Lead Organisations and Project Teams

To lead a project, the organisation must be a UK-registered micro, small, or medium-sized enterprise (SME). This SME can either work alone or in collaboration with other UK-based organisations, including businesses of any size, academic institutions, charities, public sector organisations, and research and technology organisations (RTOs). Notably, academic institutions are not permitted to lead projects but can serve as collaborators.

Types of Eligible Projects
The competition supports a wide variety of R&D activities, from early-stage experimental research to the development and testing of new products. Eligible projects can include:
• Experimental Evaluation: Testing new solutions on a laboratory scale or using in vitro and in vivo models to evaluate proof of concept or safety.
• Prototyping and Product Development: Moving ideas from concept to prototype, and ultimately, to market-ready products.
• Clinical Trials: Demonstrating clinical utility, safety, and efficacy through early-phase (Phase 1 and 2) clinical trials.
• Regulatory Planning: Preparing for regulatory approval by engaging with relevant bodies early in the development process.

These projects should demonstrate how they can address significant health challenges while also improving the productivity and competitiveness of the SMEs involved.

Supporting a Portfolio of Projects
Innovate UK aims to fund a diverse portfolio of projects across different technologies and themes. This approach ensures that a wide range of innovative solutions have the opportunity to receive funding and make a meaningful impact on the UK’s healthcare sector.

Specific themes that the competition encourages include, but are not limited to:
• Advanced Therapies: Such as gene and cell therapies that represent the cutting edge of personalised medicine.
• Biosciences and Preclinical Technologies: Exploring new drug targets and mechanisms before they enter clinical trials.
• Medical Technology and Devices: Developing new tools for diagnosing and treating diseases.
• Digital Health: Pioneering new platforms and technologies that transform healthcare delivery, enhance remote monitoring, or improve patient outcomes.
• Independent Living: Supporting technologies that enable individuals, particularly those with chronic conditions or disabilities, to live more independently.

Competition Process
The BMC competition is a competitive process, meaning that not all projects will receive funding, even if they score highly. The competition closes at 11am on Wednesday, 16th October 2024. Projects that request grants of over £500,000 may be required to attend an interview as part of the assessment process.

Applicants are encouraged to review the specific details of the competition through the Innovate UK competition brief to ensure they are submitting the most accurate and relevant information: Biomedical Catalyst 2024 Round 1: Industry-led R&D