The Horizon Europe Energy Collaborative R&D Funding Opportunities Webinar, organised by Innovate UK Business Connect, is an essential event for stakeholders in the energy sector looking to engage in cutting-edge research and development (R&D) collaborations. Scheduled for 20th August 2024, this webinar will provide participants with detailed insights into the various funding opportunities available under the Horizon Europe framework, focusing on the energy domain.

Overview of Horizon Europe and Its Relevance to Energy R&D

Horizon Europe is the European Union’s key funding program for research and innovation, with a budget of €95.5 billion for the period 2021-2027. The program is designed to support projects that address global challenges and enhance Europe’s scientific and technological bases. For the energy sector, Horizon Europe offers substantial funding opportunities aimed at advancing the transition to a more sustainable, low-carbon economy.

This webinar is particularly timely as the UK, despite Brexit, remains associated with Horizon Europe, allowing UK entities to participate fully in the program. This association means that UK-based researchers, businesses, and other organisations can continue to lead or collaborate in Horizon Europe projects, accessing funding to drive forward innovations in energy technologies.

Key Topics and Opportunities

The webinar will delve into specific areas of Horizon Europe that are relevant to the energy sector, highlighting calls for proposals that address pressing issues such as renewable energy integration, energy efficiency, and the development of smart energy systems. These calls are part of Horizon Europe’s wider mission to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, supporting projects that can contribute to the European Green Deal.

Participants will learn about the funding mechanisms within Horizon Europe, including the Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and Innovation Actions (IA), which provide support for early-stage research as well as closer-to-market activities. The webinar will also discuss how to develop competitive proposals, with tips on aligning project ideas with Horizon Europe’s strategic priorities and evaluation criteria.

Eureka Eurogia Cluster and Additional Funding Avenues

In addition to Horizon Europe, the webinar will introduce the Eureka Eurogia Cluster, an industry-driven initiative focused on low-carbon energy technologies. The Eurogia Cluster facilitates international collaborations between businesses and research organisations, offering a complementary funding stream for energy-related R&D projects. This cluster supports a wide range of technologies, from renewable energy generation and storage to energy efficiency and smart grids.

The event will explore how UK organisations can engage with the Eurogia Cluster, either as project leaders or partners, and leverage its funding to enhance their innovation capacities. This dual approach of combining Horizon Europe opportunities with the Eurogia Cluster could provide a significant boost to the development of breakthrough energy technologies in the UK and beyond.

Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

One of the highlights of the webinar is the opportunity for participants to pitch their project ideas to potential collaborators. This pitching session is designed to facilitate the formation of consortia for Horizon Europe proposals, bringing together complementary expertise from different sectors and countries. Additionally, the webinar will include a Q&A session, allowing attendees to interact directly with experts from Innovate UK KTN and gain tailored advice on their specific project ideas.

The webinar is also an excellent platform for networking with peers, sharing knowledge, and identifying synergies between different research agendas. By fostering these connections, the event aims to catalyse the creation of strong, multidisciplinary consortia capable of securing Horizon Europe funding and driving forward impactful energy innovations.

For more details and to register for the event, visit the official site: