Mindset extended reality (XR): Digital therapeutics for mental health

Innovate UK has announced a funding opportunity aimed at developing digital therapeutics using extended reality (XR) for mental health. The competition, opening on 28th October 2024, will invest up to £3.7 million in R&D projects that offer innovative mental healthcare solutions. Eligible projects should have costs between £200,000 and £300,000 and last 12 to 18 months. XR solutions should focus on addressing moderate to severe mental health conditions and aim for large-scale adoption within the UK's healthcare system. The deadline for applications is 15th January 2025.

Addressing Mental Health with Extended Reality

Mental health disorders affect millions of people worldwide, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated these challenges. The rise in anxiety, depression, and other conditions has spurred the demand for effective mental health treatments that can be scaled and made widely accessible. This funding opportunity encourages the development of XR solutions aimed at treating moderate to severe mental health conditions. XR technologies include virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR), all of which have been used in therapeutic settings for conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression.

By combining these immersive technologies with evidence-based therapeutic approaches, XR solutions can offer patients an engaging and personalised experience. Unlike traditional talk therapies, XR can simulate environments that help patients confront and manage their symptoms in real-time. For instance, VR has been used to treat phobias by gradually exposing individuals to their fears in a controlled and safe environment. Similarly, AR can help users visualise coping strategies or engage with therapeutic content in their daily surroundings.

The Scope of the Competition

The competition invites proposals that will create new, innovative XR-based digital therapeutics. Projects must focus on mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other moderate to severe conditions. These solutions should not just focus on short-term relief but also demonstrate a potential for long-term, sustainable impact on the UK’s healthcare system.

Innovate UK emphasises the need for solutions that can be integrated into existing healthcare frameworks, allowing for broad scalability and accessibility. This means that proposed XR therapeutics should be designed with the intention of large-scale adoption within the UK’s mental health services. Innovators are encouraged to work closely with healthcare professionals, patients, and mental health experts to ensure that their solutions are evidence-based, patient-centred, and aligned with the needs of the healthcare system.

Eligibility Criteria and Project Requirements

The competition is open to UK-based organisations, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), large companies, universities, and research and technology organisations. Collaborations between industry and academia are encouraged to foster multidisciplinary approaches, which are often necessary when developing complex digital health solutions. However, lead applicants must demonstrate their ability to lead the development and commercialisation of the proposed XR therapeutic.

Projects should have total costs ranging between £200,000 and £300,000 and are expected to last between 12 and 18 months. This funding can be used to cover a variety of activities, including research and development, clinical trials, user testing, and the creation of XR content. Applicants must show how their solution will meet a significant clinical need, how it will be tested for efficacy and safety, and how it will be positioned for real-world implementation.

Importance of Multidisciplinary Collaboration

Developing effective digital therapeutics requires a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on expertise in healthcare, psychology, technology, and design. The intersection of these fields is crucial for creating XR experiences that are not only technologically sound but also therapeutically effective. For example, clinicians can ensure that the therapeutic content is grounded in psychological science, while XR developers and designers can create immersive and engaging user experiences.

Innovate UK recognises the importance of collaboration between these diverse fields and encourages applicants to assemble teams that reflect this. This includes partnerships between the healthcare sector and technology companies, as well as collaboration with patients and mental health advocates to ensure that the solutions are patient centric. Co-creation with end-users can also help ensure that the final product is user-friendly and meets the needs of those who will benefit from the technology.

Potential Impact on the Healthcare System

The UK’s healthcare system, like many others around the world, is under increasing strain due to rising demand for mental health services. Traditional therapeutic models, which often rely on face-to-face sessions with trained professionals, are resource-intensive and difficult to scale. Digital therapeutics, particularly those that leverage XR, have the potential to fill this gap by offering scalable, accessible, and effective treatments that complement existing care pathways.

XR-based therapeutics can be delivered remotely, allowing patients to engage in therapy from their homes, which can be especially beneficial for those in rural or underserved areas. Moreover, the immersive nature of XR can enhance engagement and adherence to therapy, which are often major barriers to treatment success in mental health. By offering engaging and interactive experiences, XR therapeutics may be more likely to encourage patients to complete their treatment plans and achieve better outcomes.

In addition to benefiting patients, XR solutions have the potential to reduce the burden on healthcare providers. By automating some aspects of treatment or offering supplementary therapeutic content, these solutions could free up clinicians’ time to focus on more complex cases. Furthermore, the data collected through digital therapeutics can provide valuable insights into patient progress, helping clinicians tailor treatments to individual needs.

For more information on how to apply, visit the competition page.

Media Cymru's Scale Up Round 2 Funding Competition

The media landscape in Wales is poised for transformational change, and Media Cymru, a dynamic consortium of 22 partner organisations led by Cardiff University, is at the heart of this shift. As part of its ambitious five-year programme, Media Cymru has launched the Scale Up Round 2 funding competition, with support from Innovate UK and the UKRI Strength in Places Fund. With up to £700,000 available to be invested in research and development (R&D) projects, this competition is designed to place the Cardiff Capital Region firmly on the global media stage.

The Vision Behind Media Cymru
Media Cymru is committed to turning the Cardiff Capital Region into a global hub for media production and innovation. However, this transformation is not merely about boosting production capacity. The initiative prioritizes green and fair economic growth, which means creating a sustainable and inclusive media ecosystem where innovation is at the forefront.

The Media Cymru programme revolves around four strategic pillars:

  1. Green – Reducing the environmental impact of the media sector.
  2. Fair – Building a diverse, equal, and inclusive sector.
  3. Global – Expanding international collaborations and partnerships.
  4. Growth – Fostering economic growth and productivity through R&D and innovation.

Each project funded through this competition is expected to align with at least one of these pillars, ensuring that funded innovations contribute not only to the advancement of the Welsh media industry but also to the wider societal and environmental goals.

Scale Up Round 2: What’s the Opportunity?
Media Cymru: Scale Up Round 2 offers Welsh media companies the chance to secure significant funding for projects with the potential to scale, innovate, and compete on a global stage. The competition will invest in innovation-driven products, services, and experiences that have the ability to transform the media landscape, both locally and internationally.

Key Details:

  • Grant funding range: £100,000 to £250,000 per project.
  • Project duration: Up to 12 months.
  • Deadline: The competition closes at 11am UK time on the 4th December 2024.
  • Project start date: Must not begin before 1st April 2025 and should conclude by 30th April 2026.
  • Eligibility criteria: Projects must focus on the media sector and demonstrate a tangible economic benefit to the Cardiff Capital Region.

Importantly, applicants must be prepared for a competitive process, as the funding limit means not all high-scoring proposals will necessarily be funded.

What Makes a Winning Proposal?

Success in this competition hinges on a company’s ability to present a project that meets the specific requirements of the competition while standing out in terms of innovation and scalability.

Here’s what the competition is looking for in a winning proposal:

  1. Innovation-Driven Solutions: Your project must aim to solve a key challenge or seize an opportunity within the Welsh media industry. Whether it’s improving media production processes, creating innovative content platforms, or addressing challenges related to digital consumption, the project should be original and impactful.
  2. Proven Feasibility: Ideas are not enough on their own. You need to demonstrate the feasibility of your innovation. This means that the technology or solution you propose must have a sound basis for development and implementation, supported by clear evidence or research.
  3. Economic Impact: A core goal of this competition is to drive economic growth in the Cardiff Capital Region. Successful applicants will need to demonstrate how their innovation will contribute to the local economy by creating jobs, increasing productivity, or attracting additional investment.
  4. Rapid Commercialisation: The competition is not just about ideas; it’s about turning those ideas into tangible products and services that can be rapidly commercialised. Your proposal should include a clear commercialisation strategy, detailing how your innovation will be brought to market quickly and effectively after the project’s completion.
  5. Knowledge Sharing: Collaboration and knowledge-sharing are fundamental to Media Cymru’s vision. Applicants are expected to actively share knowledge and project outputs with the broader media community, fostering a culture of innovation across the region.
  6. Alignment with Strategic Pillars: Every project must align with one or more of Media Cymru’s strategic pillars (Green, Fair, Global, Growth). This ensures that your innovation contributes to the overarching goals of the programme, whether that’s through promoting sustainability, increasing diversity, driving international partnerships, or enhancing regional economic growth.

Why Should Welsh Media Companies Apply?
The Media Cymru Scale Up Round 2 competition presents a unique opportunity for media companies in the Cardiff Capital Region to receive significant financial backing for their most ambitious and innovative projects. However, the benefits extend far beyond funding.

  1. Enhanced Visibility and Prestige
    Being selected for funding through this competition positions your company as an industry leader. It showcases your commitment to innovation and your ability to develop solutions that can compete on the global stage. This visibility can lead to further collaborations, partnerships, and investment opportunities.
  2. Global Reach
    Media Cymru’s commitment to international collaboration means that companies funded through this programme will have the chance to build relationships with global partners, expanding their reach and influence beyond the Welsh and UK markets.
  3. Driving Positive Change
    By aligning your project with Media Cymru’s strategic pillars, you’re contributing to a more sustainable, diverse, and innovative media sector. Whether it’s reducing the carbon footprint of media production or creating a more inclusive industry, your project can be part of shaping the future of media in Wales and beyond.
  4. Economic Impact
    Perhaps most importantly, successful projects will play a pivotal role in driving economic growth in the Cardiff Capital Region. By creating new jobs, attracting investment, and increasing productivity, your project can have a lasting positive impact on the region’s economy.

Biomedical Catalyst 2024 Now Open

Innovate UK has announced the next round of its Biomedical Catalyst (BMC) competition, offering up to £15 million in funding for innovation projects aimed at addressing critical health and healthcare challenges. This industry-led R&D initiative provides a valuable opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop cutting-edge solutions, spanning from disease prevention to digital health technologies.

Focus Areas of the Competition
The competition is designed to foster innovation across a wide range of health-related areas. Projects are encouraged to focus on one or more of the following:
• Disease Prevention and Management: Projects that develop proactive strategies for managing health and chronic conditions, with the goal of improving long-term health outcomes.
• Early Detection and Diagnosis: Innovations that allow for faster, more accurate detection of diseases, leading to more effective treatments and better patient outcomes.
• Tailored Treatments and Cures: Research aimed at personalising treatments that target the root causes of diseases or offer potential cures for conditions that currently have limited treatment options.
• Transforming Healthcare Delivery: Projects that focus on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare systems, making them more accessible and responsive.
• Development of Digital Health Technologies: The advancement of digital tools to enhance patient care, monitoring, and self-care.
• Consumer-Focused Self-Care: Innovations that empower individuals to take charge of their health and well-being through accessible, consumer-focused products.

This broad scope ensures that a wide range of health and healthcare innovations can be supported through the competition, from cutting-edge biotechnology to revolutionary digital health platforms.

Eligibility Criteria for Projects
To qualify for the BMC competition, projects must meet several key criteria. First and foremost, projects must demonstrate evidence of both commercial and technical feasibility. This ensures that proposed solutions have a strong chance of reaching the market and making a tangible impact on healthcare systems.

Additionally, each project must:
• Have total project costs between £150,000 and £4 million.
• Not exceed a grant request of £2 million.
• Ensure that at least 50% of the project costs are covered by the SMEs if it’s a collaborative project.
• Be completed within a timeframe of 6 to 36 months.
• Be carried out entirely within the UK and aim to exploit results in the UK.
• Begin no later than 1st May 2025 and finish by 30th September 2028.
Lead Organisations and Project Teams

To lead a project, the organisation must be a UK-registered micro, small, or medium-sized enterprise (SME). This SME can either work alone or in collaboration with other UK-based organisations, including businesses of any size, academic institutions, charities, public sector organisations, and research and technology organisations (RTOs). Notably, academic institutions are not permitted to lead projects but can serve as collaborators.

Types of Eligible Projects
The competition supports a wide variety of R&D activities, from early-stage experimental research to the development and testing of new products. Eligible projects can include:
• Experimental Evaluation: Testing new solutions on a laboratory scale or using in vitro and in vivo models to evaluate proof of concept or safety.
• Prototyping and Product Development: Moving ideas from concept to prototype, and ultimately, to market-ready products.
• Clinical Trials: Demonstrating clinical utility, safety, and efficacy through early-phase (Phase 1 and 2) clinical trials.
• Regulatory Planning: Preparing for regulatory approval by engaging with relevant bodies early in the development process.

These projects should demonstrate how they can address significant health challenges while also improving the productivity and competitiveness of the SMEs involved.

Supporting a Portfolio of Projects
Innovate UK aims to fund a diverse portfolio of projects across different technologies and themes. This approach ensures that a wide range of innovative solutions have the opportunity to receive funding and make a meaningful impact on the UK’s healthcare sector.

Specific themes that the competition encourages include, but are not limited to:
• Advanced Therapies: Such as gene and cell therapies that represent the cutting edge of personalised medicine.
• Biosciences and Preclinical Technologies: Exploring new drug targets and mechanisms before they enter clinical trials.
• Medical Technology and Devices: Developing new tools for diagnosing and treating diseases.
• Digital Health: Pioneering new platforms and technologies that transform healthcare delivery, enhance remote monitoring, or improve patient outcomes.
• Independent Living: Supporting technologies that enable individuals, particularly those with chronic conditions or disabilities, to live more independently.

Competition Process
The BMC competition is a competitive process, meaning that not all projects will receive funding, even if they score highly. The competition closes at 11am on Wednesday, 16th October 2024. Projects that request grants of over £500,000 may be required to attend an interview as part of the assessment process.

Applicants are encouraged to review the specific details of the competition through the Innovate UK competition brief to ensure they are submitting the most accurate and relevant information: Biomedical Catalyst 2024 Round 1: Industry-led R&D

Travel support for UK businesses to attend European events

Innovate UK has launched a travel support scheme designed to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK in expanding their reach into European research and development (R&D) collaborations. This initiative, set to run throughout the second half of 2024, provides funding to enable SMEs to attend key European events focused on R&D and consortia-building.

Following the UK’s renewed association with Horizon Europe, this travel support aims to bolster international collaboration by ensuring that UK businesses remain visible and active participants in European research initiatives. SMEs are the backbone of innovation, and this initiative offers them a unique opportunity to expand their networks, secure partnerships, and contribute to major collaborative projects across the continent.

The industries covered under this initiative are wide-ranging, including space technology, sustainable urban mobility, and hydrogen energy, among others. Each event offers a platform for SMEs to engage with international counterparts, forming partnerships that could lead to new research breakthroughs and technological advancements.

One of the key benefits of this program is its role in removing financial barriers for UK businesses. Travel and accommodation costs can be prohibitive, particularly for smaller enterprises. Innovate UK's travel support offers up to £700 per company to cover these costs, enabling more businesses to participate in high-impact events without the burden of additional financial strain.

This initiative is viewed as a strategic tool to ensure that UK businesses remain at the forefront of global research collaborations. As Europe’s R&D landscape continues to evolve, especially with the Horizon Europe program driving significant funding and opportunities, it’s essential that UK SMEs are not left behind. By facilitating their involvement in European consortia, this initiative helps ensure that the UK remains a leader in research and innovation.

For more information, please visit: https://iuk.ktn-uk.org/news/travel-support-now-available/

Sustainable Medicines Manufacturing Initiative

The pharmaceutical industry has long been associated with high energy consumption and waste. In response, Innovate UK, in collaboration with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), has launched a new initiative aimed at promoting sustainable practices in the manufacturing of medicines. This £15 million program, opening for applications with a deadline of 16th October 2024, is set to drive innovation and greener technologies across the pharmaceutical sector.

The aim of this competition is to drive innovation in sustainable medicines manufacturing across three key pillars:
• green chemistry
• circularity
• productivity and resource efficiency

Projects must also consider both critical enablers:
• regulations: how to overcome any regulatory barriers to adoption of your innovation.
• measurements, standards and data: approaches to capture data that support the measurement and reporting of sustainability indicators aligned with industry standards.

These new manufacturing innovations are expected to support more environmentally sustainable manufacturing processes with significant and measurable improvements in at least one of the following areas:
• productivity
• waste reduction
• emissions reduction
• energy use reduction
• resource efficiency

Funding must be used to invest in innovation to deliver across four key goals:
• drive disruptive and novel technologies or processes in medicines manufacturing to optimise production efficiency, minimise waste and reduce emissions, aligning with global sustainability goals
• facilitate the effective implementation of innovative solutions and promote their adoption across the medicines manufacturing sector, ensuring scalability and widespread utilisation
• enhance the UK’s attractiveness as a prime location for investment in medicines manufacturing, thereby stimulating economic growth and enhancing resilience in the sector
• strengthen the UK's manufacturing innovation ecosystem through collaborative partnerships between academia, industry, and government entities, promoting knowledge exchange and collaborative initiatives to enhance sustainable manufacturing practices

Projects must also consider how to overcome any regulatory barriers to adoption of the innovation, alongside approaches to capture data that support the measurement and reporting of sustainability indicators aligned with industry standards. By fostering collaboration between researchers, innovators, and manufacturers, this initiative hopes to accelerate the adoption of cutting-edge solutions that can be implemented quickly. The aim is to see tangible impact within three years of project completion, meaning that the results of these investments should be felt before the end of the decade.
Innovators interested in applying for the funding will have the opportunity to develop and commercialise technologies that can significantly transform medicine manufacturing processes while contributing to broader environmental goals.

DASA's Rapid Impact Open Call Returns

The Defence and Security Accelerator’s (DASA) Rapid Impact Open Call is back after a five-month pause, and Cycle 3 is now open for applications. This cycle seeks innovative solutions to defence challenges with a clear impact within three years of project completion. Proposals should be valued between £150,000 and £250,000 and aim to reach Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6/7 by the project's end. The deadline for submissions is 19th November 2024.

Before applying, it's essential to contact your local innovation partner.

Competition Document
Contact your Innovation Partner

COST Actions: A Catalyst for Research Collaboration

The development and growth of research across Europe have been significantly shaped by initiatives that foster collaboration, networking, and knowledge-sharing among scientists and researchers. Among these initiatives, COST Actions stand out as a unique and impactful program that bridges the gap between different research communities, disciplines, and countries. COST Actions are not just about research funding; they represent a broader, more integrated approach to scientific collaboration that can lead to ground breaking discoveries and innovations.

What are COST Actions?

COST, which stands for *European Cooperation in Science and Technology*, is an intergovernmental framework established in 1971 that aims to support the coordination of nationally funded research activities across Europe. COST Actions are one of the key mechanisms through which this support is delivered. They are essentially networks that bring together researchers and innovators from various disciplines, institutions, and countries to work on specific research topics. These networks are open to all scientific fields, including the humanities and social sciences, and they are characterised by their inclusivity, flexibility, and interdisciplinarity.

A COST Action is a bottom-up initiative, meaning that the topics are proposed by the researchers themselves rather than being dictated by the funding body. This ensures that the Actions are relevant to current scientific needs and interests, and it allows for the exploration of emerging research areas. Once a proposal is approved, the Action receives funding to support activities such as workshops, conferences, short-term scientific missions, training schools, and dissemination efforts. Importantly, COST Actions do not fund research directly; instead, they focus on networking activities that enable researchers to collaborate, share knowledge, and build partnerships that can lead to larger, funded research projects.

The Structure and Process of COST Actions

COST Actions typically span four years and involve participants from at least seven different COST member countries. However, participation is not limited to Europe; researchers from non-COST countries can also join, making the networks truly global. The structure of a COST Action is designed to be flexible, allowing participants to tailor their activities according to the needs of the network. This adaptability is one of the key strengths of COST Actions, as it allows for the inclusion of diverse perspectives and expertise, fostering innovation and creativity.

The process of setting up a COST Action begins with the submission of a proposal by researchers. These proposals are then evaluated by independent experts based on criteria such as scientific excellence, networking potential, and impact. Once approved, the Action is launched, and a Management Committee is established to oversee its activities. This committee is composed of representatives from the participating countries and is responsible for coordinating the network's activities, managing the budget, and ensuring that the objectives of the Action are met.

COST Actions are organised into Working Groups, each focused on a specific aspect of the research topic. These groups are where the core work of the Action takes place, with members collaborating on joint publications, developing new methodologies, and sharing data and resources. The interdisciplinary nature of these Working Groups often leads to innovative approaches and solutions that might not have emerged within a single discipline.

The Impact of COST Actions

The impact of COST Actions can be seen in several areas, from the advancement of scientific knowledge to the development of new technologies and the strengthening of research capacities across Europe. One of the most significant outcomes of COST Actions is the formation of durable research networks that continue to collaborate long after the official end of the Action. These networks often lead to the submission of joint research proposals to larger funding bodies, such as the European Union's Horizon Europe program, thereby multiplying the impact of the initial COST Action.

Another important aspect of COST Actions is their role in supporting early-career researchers. The networking opportunities provided by COST Actions are invaluable for young scientists, allowing them to build connections with senior researchers, gain exposure to different research environments, and enhance their professional development. COST Actions also promote gender balance and inclusivity, ensuring that researchers from all backgrounds have the opportunity to participate and contribute to the network.

COST Actions also play a crucial role in addressing societal challenges by fostering interdisciplinary collaborations that can tackle complex issues such as climate change, public health, and digital transformation. For example, a COST Action might bring together experts in environmental science, economics, and policy to develop integrated approaches to climate adaptation. This ability to connect different fields of knowledge and practice is one of the unique strengths of COST Actions.

UK Eligibility
UK entities are allowed to join COST Actions, even after the UK's exit from the European Union. The UK participates in COST Actions as a member of the COST program, which is separate from the EU's Horizon Europe framework. This means that researchers, institutions, and other entities based in the UK can still participate in COST Actions alongside their European and international counterparts.

As participants, UK researchers can join existing COST Actions, propose new ones, and benefit from the networking, training, and collaboration opportunities that these actions provide. This ongoing participation reflects COST's commitment to inclusivity and its goal of fostering collaborative research across a broad geographical area, including non-EU countries.

Overall, UK entities remain active and integral participants in COST Actions, continuing to contribute to and benefit from this vibrant European research network.

For more information, visit the COST website:

Innovate UK's Innovation Loan Programme

Empowering SMEs for Future Growth

Innovate UK's Innovation Loan programme is aimed at supporting micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with late-stage research and development (R&D) projects that demonstrate high innovation potential and significant future economic impact. This initiative provides up to £25 million in loans to help these businesses bridge the gap between R&D and commercialisation.

Overview of the Programme

The Innovation Loan programme is designed for SMEs registered in the UK, focusing on projects that are significantly ahead of current market offerings or utilise existing products, processes, or services in innovative ways. The loans range from £100,000 to £2 million, with the expectation that projects will commence by April 1, 2025. The programme aims to support a variety of sectors, emphasising themes such as Net Zero, health and wellbeing, next-generation digital technologies, and advanced manufacturing.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the loan, businesses must:

  • Be a UK-registered micro, small, or medium-sized enterprise.
  • Conduct and exploit their project within the UK.
  • Demonstrate the need for public funding and the ability to repay the loan on time.
  • Provide evidence of their business's suitability to handle a loan.

Notably, individuals, large companies, non-profits, academic institutions, and research organisations are not eligible. Collaboration is not funded, but subcontractors are allowed, if justified.

Project Requirements

Eligible projects should:

  • Lead to the development of innovative new products, processes, or services.
  • Include prototyping, demonstrating, piloting, testing, or validation in real-life conditions.
  • Align with one or more future economy areas specified in Innovate UK's plan for action.

The programme encourages applications from underrepresented communities, including those outside major investment hubs and from diverse backgrounds.

Application Process

The application process is comprehensive, consisting of three main sections: business and financial details, project questions, and project finances. The application is evaluated based on the quality of the project and the business's ability to manage and repay the loan.

Applicants must also address specific project aspects, including:

  • The business need, technological challenge, or market opportunity.
  • The market potential and commercialisation plan.
  • The team’s skills and project management strategy.
  • Detailed project costs and financial planning.

Submissions are reviewed by independent experts and Innovate UK’s credit team. Successful applicants will proceed to detailed credit analysis and final lending decisions.

Key Dates

The programme operates through multiple rounds:

  • Round 16: Opens on 27th June 2024, and closes on 21st August 2024.
  • Round 17: Opens on 22nd August 2024, and closes on 2nd October 2024.
  • Round 18: Opens on 3rd October 2024, and closes on 3rd December 2024.
  • Round 19: Opens on 3rd December 2024, and closes on 29th January 2025.

Financial Terms

Innovation loans are structured with favourable terms:

  • Availability Period: Up to three years with loan drawdowns and interest at 3.7% per annum.
  • Extension Period: Up to two years, focusing on commercialisation with deferred interest.
  • Repayment Period: Up to five years with quarterly repayments and a 7.4% interest rate.

Security is generally in the form of a debenture, with no personal guarantees required. Loans cover up to 100% of eligible project costs, with the equivalent benefit of a grant due to below-market interest rates.

What Next?

For a free consultation to discuss your project, contact RedKnight today.

The 2025 European Prize for Women Innovators Now Open

The 2025 European Prize for Women Innovators

The European Innovation Council (EIC) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) have announced the 2025 European Prize for Women Innovators, highlighting the extraordinary contributions of women entrepreneurs who drive impactful innovation. This prestigious award seeks to recognise and amplify the achievements of women innovators, encouraging gender equality in business and technology.

Categories and Prizes

The 2025 edition features three main categories:

  1. EIC Women Innovators: This category is open to women Founders or Co-founders of companies from EU Member States and Associated Countries. The top three winners will receive prizes of €100,000, €70,000, and €50,000 respectively.
  2. EIC Rising Innovators: Targeted at emerging innovators under the age of 35, this category also awards three prizes: €50,000, €30,000, and €20,000.
  3. EIT Women Leadership: This category focuses on women with a direct link to the EIT Community. Similar to the Rising Innovators, the top three will be awarded €50,000, €30,000, and €20,000.

These prizes are designed to provide substantial support to women who are making significant strides in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Key Dates and Application Process

  • Online Info-session: Scheduled for 5th July 2024 (11:00am-12:00pm CEST), this session will provide detailed information about the application process.
  • Application Deadline: All applications must be submitted by 25th September 2024 at 5.00pm CEST.
  • Applicants must submit their entries through the Funding & Tenders Portal, ensuring they meet the criteria specified in the Rules of the Contest.

Promoting Gender Equality in Innovation

Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, and Youth, emphasises that the European Prize for Women Innovators showcases the ingenuity and leadership of women in the innovation sector. This initiative celebrates their achievements and also sets them as role models, promoting gender equality in the fields of technology and business.

Addressing Systemic Barriers

Despite the growing recognition of women innovators, systemic barriers still exist that hinder their full participation in the tech and business sectors. The EIC and EIT are committed to addressing these challenges by providing platforms and resources that support women-led companies and innovations. By doing so, they aim to foster an inclusive environment that empowers women to contribute significantly to the economy and society.

How to Get Involved

For those interested in applying, detailed information and resources are available on the European Prize for Women Innovators webpage. The application process is straightforward, and support is provided through various channels to ensure that potential applicants have all the necessary information.

New Innovative Health Initiative Call for Proposals

Exploring IHI Call 8: A New Horizon for Health Innovation

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) has launched its eighth call for proposals, focusing on pivotal areas in health research and innovation. This call aims to foster collaborative projects that address pressing health challenges through cutting-edge science and technology. Here’s a comprehensive look at what IHI Call 8 entails and how interested parties can get involved.

Key Focus Areas of IHI Call 8

IHI Call 8 is structured around four main topics:

  1. Cardiovascular Disease: This topic seeks innovative city-based approaches to reducing cardiovascular mortality across Europe. The emphasis is on implementing scalable and sustainable solutions that can be integrated into urban healthcare systems to improve cardiovascular health outcomes.
  2. Osteoarthritis: Utilising big data analytics, this topic aims to develop novel endpoints for osteoarthritis. By leveraging vast amounts of data, the goal is to enhance the understanding of disease progression and treatment efficacy, ultimately improving patient care.
  3. Regulatory Sandboxes: This topic involves modelling regulatory sandbox mechanisms. These sandboxes are controlled environments where innovative health technologies can be tested and validated under regulatory supervision, facilitating faster market entry for breakthrough innovations.
  4. Patient-Centred Endpoints: The focus here is on deriving patient-centred clinical-study endpoints using digital health technologies. This involves creating more personalised and precise measures of health outcomes that reflect the real-world experiences and needs of patients.

Funding and Budget

The total indicative budget for IHI Call 8 is €96.6 million, with €47.6 million contributed by IHI and €49.0 million from industry and other contributing partners. This substantial funding emphasises the EU's commitment to advancing health innovation through collaborative research.

Application Process and Deadlines

IHI Call 8 follows a two-stage application process:

  • Stage 1: Short proposal submission deadline is on 10th October 2024, at 17:00 Brussels time.
  • Stage 2: Full proposal submission deadline is on 23rd April 2025, at 17:00 Brussels time.

Applicants must submit their proposals via the Funding and Tenders Portal, ensuring they have an EU Login account, and their organisation is registered as a beneficiary.

Finding Partners

Collaboration is at the heart of IHI Call 8. To facilitate the formation of consortia, IHI provides resources through the IHI Call Days platform, where potential partners can connect, schedule meetings, and seek advice on forming robust partnerships. This platform remains active until the call deadline, offering continuous support for networking and collaboration.

Additional Resources and Support

Prospective applicants are encouraged to consult the detailed call documents available on the IHI website and the Funding and Tenders Portal. These documents include the guide for applicants, which provides crucial information on proposal preparation and submission. Additionally, IHI offers info sessions and various support mechanisms to assist applicants throughout the process.

Emphasis on Inclusivity and Innovation

IHI Call 8 is designed to be inclusive, inviting participation from a broad range of stakeholders, including SMEs, academic institutions, and industry partners. The focus on digital health technologies, big data analytics, and regulatory innovation reflects a commitment to embracing cutting-edge solutions that address contemporary health challenges.

What Next

For a Free consultation to discuss your project, contact RedKnight today.