COST Actions: A Catalyst for Research Collaboration

The development and growth of research across Europe have been significantly shaped by initiatives that foster collaboration, networking, and knowledge-sharing among scientists and researchers. Among these initiatives, COST Actions stand out as a unique and impactful program that bridges the gap between different research communities, disciplines, and countries. COST Actions are not just about research funding; they represent a broader, more integrated approach to scientific collaboration that can lead to ground breaking discoveries and innovations.

What are COST Actions?

COST, which stands for *European Cooperation in Science and Technology*, is an intergovernmental framework established in 1971 that aims to support the coordination of nationally funded research activities across Europe. COST Actions are one of the key mechanisms through which this support is delivered. They are essentially networks that bring together researchers and innovators from various disciplines, institutions, and countries to work on specific research topics. These networks are open to all scientific fields, including the humanities and social sciences, and they are characterised by their inclusivity, flexibility, and interdisciplinarity.

A COST Action is a bottom-up initiative, meaning that the topics are proposed by the researchers themselves rather than being dictated by the funding body. This ensures that the Actions are relevant to current scientific needs and interests, and it allows for the exploration of emerging research areas. Once a proposal is approved, the Action receives funding to support activities such as workshops, conferences, short-term scientific missions, training schools, and dissemination efforts. Importantly, COST Actions do not fund research directly; instead, they focus on networking activities that enable researchers to collaborate, share knowledge, and build partnerships that can lead to larger, funded research projects.

The Structure and Process of COST Actions

COST Actions typically span four years and involve participants from at least seven different COST member countries. However, participation is not limited to Europe; researchers from non-COST countries can also join, making the networks truly global. The structure of a COST Action is designed to be flexible, allowing participants to tailor their activities according to the needs of the network. This adaptability is one of the key strengths of COST Actions, as it allows for the inclusion of diverse perspectives and expertise, fostering innovation and creativity.

The process of setting up a COST Action begins with the submission of a proposal by researchers. These proposals are then evaluated by independent experts based on criteria such as scientific excellence, networking potential, and impact. Once approved, the Action is launched, and a Management Committee is established to oversee its activities. This committee is composed of representatives from the participating countries and is responsible for coordinating the network's activities, managing the budget, and ensuring that the objectives of the Action are met.

COST Actions are organised into Working Groups, each focused on a specific aspect of the research topic. These groups are where the core work of the Action takes place, with members collaborating on joint publications, developing new methodologies, and sharing data and resources. The interdisciplinary nature of these Working Groups often leads to innovative approaches and solutions that might not have emerged within a single discipline.

The Impact of COST Actions

The impact of COST Actions can be seen in several areas, from the advancement of scientific knowledge to the development of new technologies and the strengthening of research capacities across Europe. One of the most significant outcomes of COST Actions is the formation of durable research networks that continue to collaborate long after the official end of the Action. These networks often lead to the submission of joint research proposals to larger funding bodies, such as the European Union's Horizon Europe program, thereby multiplying the impact of the initial COST Action.

Another important aspect of COST Actions is their role in supporting early-career researchers. The networking opportunities provided by COST Actions are invaluable for young scientists, allowing them to build connections with senior researchers, gain exposure to different research environments, and enhance their professional development. COST Actions also promote gender balance and inclusivity, ensuring that researchers from all backgrounds have the opportunity to participate and contribute to the network.

COST Actions also play a crucial role in addressing societal challenges by fostering interdisciplinary collaborations that can tackle complex issues such as climate change, public health, and digital transformation. For example, a COST Action might bring together experts in environmental science, economics, and policy to develop integrated approaches to climate adaptation. This ability to connect different fields of knowledge and practice is one of the unique strengths of COST Actions.

UK Eligibility
UK entities are allowed to join COST Actions, even after the UK's exit from the European Union. The UK participates in COST Actions as a member of the COST program, which is separate from the EU's Horizon Europe framework. This means that researchers, institutions, and other entities based in the UK can still participate in COST Actions alongside their European and international counterparts.

As participants, UK researchers can join existing COST Actions, propose new ones, and benefit from the networking, training, and collaboration opportunities that these actions provide. This ongoing participation reflects COST's commitment to inclusivity and its goal of fostering collaborative research across a broad geographical area, including non-EU countries.

Overall, UK entities remain active and integral participants in COST Actions, continuing to contribute to and benefit from this vibrant European research network.

For more information, visit the COST website:

Ofgem Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) Round 4 Challenges

The Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) is an Ofgem programme managed in partnership with Innovate UK. Its purpose is to support energy network innovation that will help achieve Net Zero rapidly and at lowest cost; deliver real net benefits to energy network users and consumers; and help the UK to become a 'Silicon Valley' of energy. The next round of SIF is being launched next week, with 4 new targeted innovation challenges.

Innovators will be invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI), outlining their idea to address the challenges. The EoI stage will give Innovate UK an opportunity to engage innovators in developing ideas before submission into the Call for Ideas; opening on Innovate UK’s Innovation Funding Service portal on 1st May 2024.

Successful ideas will have an opportunity to pitch their idea to the energy networks. Networks will then invite the most suitable pitches to partner with them to develop their idea further, with the aim of applying to the Discovery phase of Round 4.

Innovate UK will be hosting two introductory webinars to give a more in-depth view of the new challenges and explain next steps on how to get involved in this exciting new round of the SIF:

  • Thursday 7 March @ 11:00 am
  • Friday 15 March @ 9:00 am

You can register your attendance for the Round 4 Challenges Launch Webinars to ensure you are informed of the new challenges.

EIC Summit and R&I Week

The European Innovation Council Summit 2024, will take place on 18th and 19th March as part of the Research & Innovation week.

Celebrating the 40-year journey through the Research and Innovation Framework Programmes, the R&I Week 2024 will debate the future of R&I and shape the contribution to EU political priorities, in particular the EU Tech Sovereignty and Competitiveness.

Tuesday 19th March will be fully dedicated to EIC beneficiaries with workshops covering diverse issues for researchers and entrepreneurs, such as intellectual property rights, investments, or scaling up your company. Discover the full programme and list of speakers.

The R&I week also includes the Belgian Presidency event on Innovative Procurement, taking over from the EIC Summit on the late afternoon of 19 March and continuing until the afternoon of 20 March. After that, it’s the start of the Research and Innovation Days providing a full R&I related programme, closing at the end of 21st March.

To register, click here.

UK Research and Innovation's Leap into Open Access: Empowering Knowledge Sharing

In a landmark move, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) ushers in a new era of academic openness. From January 2024, its comprehensive open access policy extends to monographs, book chapters, and edited collections, revolutionising the dissemination of scholarly work. This paradigm shift in knowledge sharing aligns with the growing global mandate for open access, marking a significant evolution in academic publishing.

Building on its 2022 policy for peer-reviewed research articles, UKRI now includes a broader range of academic outputs under its open access umbrella. The policy ensures that research funded by UKRI, a critical financier in the UK's academic landscape, is freely accessible to everyone. This democratisation of knowledge aims to accelerate scientific discovery and innovation by removing traditional barriers to information access.

The policy is a response to the scholarly community's call for more equitable access to research findings. It reflects a fundamental change in how research is shared, promoting transparency and collaboration across disciplines. The inclusion of monographs and book chapters is particularly notable, as these forms of academic outputs have historically been less accessible due to cost and distribution limitations.

The implications of this policy are far-reaching. For academics, it represents an opportunity to increase the visibility and impact of their work. Students, educators, and researchers worldwide stand to benefit from unrestricted access to a wider array of scholarly materials. This could particularly benefit those in developing countries, where access to academic literature is often limited. For the private sector, it will enable translation of research into innovative products, processes, and services to aid economic growth and job creation.

The response from the academic community has been largely positive, with many viewing it as a progressive step towards a more inclusive and collaborative research environment. However, there are also concerns about how this transition will be funded and managed, particularly regarding the financial implications for researchers and publishers.

UKRI's expansion of its open access policy marks a pivotal moment in academic publishing. By embracing open access, UKRI is not just enhancing the visibility of UK research but also contributing to a global movement towards a more accessible and equitable knowledge economy. While challenges remain, particularly in implementation and sustainability, the potential benefits of this policy for the global research community are immense. As this policy takes effect, it paves the way for a future where knowledge is a shared and accessible resource, fostering innovation and understanding across borders.

DASA has launched a new Themed Competition: Analysing and Understanding Audiences

A new Themed Competition titled "Analysing and Understanding Audiences" has been initiated by DASA, supported by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl). The competition aims to provide up to £1 million in funding for innovative concepts to analyse and comprehend audiences.

This competition, managed by DASA on behalf of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), aims to solicit proposals that can enhance the UK Defence's capacity in the area of "Analysing and Understanding Audiences." The emphasis is on pinpointing inventive tools, techniques, and methodologies that could assist in selecting, analysing, and comprehending audiences. 


Areas of particular interest include: 

  • Audience Segmentation 
  • Behavioural Insight Assessment 
  • Narrative Assessment 
  • Information Environment Assessment (IEA) 
  • Human Environment Assessment 
  • Network Analysis 
  • Channel Analysis 
  • Information Packs 
  • Assessment Metrics 


Key Dates and Funding: 

Up to £1m is available to fund multiple proposals. 

The deadline to submit a proposal is midday 30 May 2023. 


Dial in sessions: 30 March 2023 and 4 April 2023 

A series of 15 minute one-to-one teleconference sessions, giving you the opportunity to ask specific questions. 

Register for 30 March 2023 

Register for 4 April 2023 


More Information:  

For more information and registration, please check here. 

RedKnight has a strong track record of securing Innovate UK funding! If you would like help in putting together a competitive proposal, contact us today. 

Faraday Battery Challenge Investment Readiness Programme 2023

Join the 2023 Faraday Battery Challenge Investment Readiness Programme by applying now. Innovate UK KTN is seeking to choose a maximum of 15 SMEs for the programme with the aim of expediting their investment process. 

If your small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) is involved in the battery industry and you aim to accelerate your investment efforts, we encourage you to apply. The Investment Readiness Programme will assist you in refining your pitch to investors, gaining a better understanding of funding opportunities, preparing your investment materials, and delivering a compelling commercial story with greater confidence. 

Innovate UK KTN will spearhead the programme with support from the Faraday Battery Challenge, in addition to expert guidance from Mountside Ventures and Stronger Stories. Regular interactions with investors will be part of the programme, allowing you to navigate the fundraising process, build connections, and initiate your journey. 

The chosen SMEs will participate in a 12-week workshop programme led by Innovate UK KTN and facilitated by professionals and investors, including one-on-one mentoring sessions. By the end of the programme, you will have crafted an investor pitch, refined your proposition, and gained a comprehensive understanding of your financials and future plans. 

The programme will culminate in a live showcase event where the cohort will present to an audience of investors with an interest in the battery sector. 



  • UK based SMEs
  • Organisations active in battery technologies for transport and energy storage.  
  • Organisations across the battery value chain (including cell materials and components, cells, modules and packs, recycling & enabling technologies) 
  • The programme is open to new participants only. If you have participated in the Faraday Battery Challenge Investment Readiness Programme 2021 and 2022 you will not be eligible to re-apply. 


How to submit your application:  

Step 1: Click on 'Submit Pitch Here' below  

Step 2: Create a new account* by clicking on 'Need to create an account?'  

Step 3: You can now start your application by clicking on the 'Submit Pitch Here' button  

*this will enable you to save your application before you submit, revisit to modify your application before the deadline, and check the status of your application 


Proposed timetable 

  • Deadline for applications: 5pm, 21st April 2023 
  • Application review and selection: 24th April 2023 
  • Cohort “get to know you”: w/c 1 May *(virtual) 
  • Workshop on Narrative and Storytelling: w/c 8th of May (live) 
  • Workshop on Funding Options and Strategy: w/c 15th of May (virtual) 
  • Pitch practice session: w/c 29th May (live) 
  • Panel to select companies to pitch at Showcase: w/c 7th of June (virtual) 
  • Showcase of selected companies to UK investors: w/c 10th July (live) 


*The dates are subject to change. Additional sessions will be added to address the cohort’s needs; participation in these will be optional. Mentoring support will also be available throughout the programme. 


More Information:  

For more information and registration, please check here. 

RedKnight has a strong track record of securing Innovate UK funding! If you would like help in putting together a competitive proposal, contact us today. 

UK-South Korea Collaborative R&D Round 2

Up to £2 million will be invested in innovation projects through a collaboration between Innovate UK, which is a part of UK Research and Innovation, and the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) and Korean Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP). 

This competition is designed to finance collaborative research and development (R&D) projects led by businesses, with a focus on industrial research. Its objective is to support innovative proposals that are jointly developed between the UK and South Korea. 

At least one partner from the UK and one from South Korea must be included in the proposal. Organizations based in the UK must apply to and receive funding from Innovate UK. 

Innovate UK will not provide any funding to the South Korean partner. Rather, South Korean partners must apply for and receive funding from either KIAT or KETEP, depending on the focus sector of the project: 


  • advanced manufacturing and materials 
  • artificial intelligence 
  • future mobility (including battery technologies) 


  • energy storage system 
  • Hydrogen 

Your project must: 

  • have a maximum grant funding request of no more than £500,000 
  • start by 1 November 2023 
  • end by 30 October 2026 
  • last between 24 and 36 months 

Your project must demonstrate: 

  • a clear game changing or disruptive innovative idea leading to new products, processes or services 
  • a strong and deliverable business plan that addresses and documents market potential and needs 
  • sound, practical financial plans and timelines 
  • good value for money which will always be a consideration in Innovate UK funding decisions
  • a clear, evidence-based plan to deliver significant economic impact, return on investment (ROI) and growth through commercialisation, as soon as possible after project completion
  • clear, considerable potential to significantly benefit the UK economy or national productivity
  • the benefits of participants from the countries working together and how this adds value
  • a clear definition of where intellectual property (IP) can be used and shared between the participants and countries
  • a clear route to market within 2 to 3 years of project completion 


Competition closes: Wednesday 7 June 2023 11:00am 

Applicants notified: 14 August 2023 


More Information:   

The applications are open until 3 May 2023 11:00am. For more information and registration, please check here.  

RedKnight has a strong track record of securing Innovate UK Smart Grants and can help you develop a competitive application! If you would like help putting together a competitive proposal, please contact us today. 

Horizon Europe guarantee: application and grant offer statistics

On behalf of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is delivering the statistic for 'Horizon Europe guarantee'. 

This data is updated each month and includes the total number of: 

  • verified applications submitted to UKRI, and the total grant value requested in these applications 
  • grant offer letters issued to applicants, and the value of the grant offers issued. 

The data is also divided according to the method used by UKRI to apply for the guarantee funds. 


Number of applications and grant offers made through the Horizon Europe guarantee up to 28 February 2023. 

Guarantee grant type  Applications submitted and verified  Value of grants requested in verified applications  Grant offer letters issued  Value of grant offers issued 
Collaborative Horizon Europe guarantee grants (hosted on Innovation Funding Service)  1,387  £614.0 million  1,206  £500.9 million 
European Research Council guarantee grants  211  £304.4 million  210  £301.6 million 
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions guarantee grants  359  £82.1 million  347  £80.3 million 
Total  1,957  £1,000.5 million  1,763  £882.8 million



Apply for Horizon Europe guarantee funding 

Although the UK is in the process of associating with the programme, the "Horizon Europe guarantee" scheme offers funds to academics and innovators who are unable to get their Horizon Europe grant. UKRI is distributing the cash through its grant mechanisms. 

To be eligible you must: 

  • be based in the UK 
  • have been successful at applying for a Horizon Europe grant with final submission deadlines on or before 30 June 2023 
  • have been included on the initial grant proposal as a ‘beneficiary’ with an assigned budget 

Before you submit your application for "multi-beneficiary funds," the coordinator and the European Commission must have signed your grant agreement.  

For "mono-beneficiary grants," the Commission's financing offer must have been withdrawn, or you must send a letter saying that the "grant agreement preparation" process with the Commission has been terminated. 


Follow the specific guidance for your type of grant here: UKRI guidance for the Horizon Europe guarantee scheme. 

Source: UK Research and Innovation 

DASA launches two new Innovation Focus Areas

In order to achieve strategic goals, the Defence Artificial Intelligence Centre (DAIC) will enhance the capability of the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) to use artificial intelligence (AI) effectively. A new Innovation Focus Area (IFA), Artificial Intelligence for Defence, is being launched by Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) and Defence AI Centre (DAIC). A purpose of this IFA is to invite proposals for innovative research projects aiming to implement AI within Defence and/or to overcome common barriers to implementing AI. This IFA seeks to use a variety of AI advances, including autonomous logistics, machine-speed decision-making, and human-machine teaming for military purposes, to significantly advance defence. 


Applying AI to address defence challenges: 

The UK's aim to adapt and utilise Artificial Intelligence (AI) at pace and scale for defence advantage is outlined in the Defence AI Strategy (DAIS). This IFA gives innovators the chance to recommend AI projects to defence in an effort to bring the best ideas from a diverse range of innovators. By using AI application to address defense challenges, the UK and its allies will be capable to maintain an advantage in defence and security.  Defence is willing to utilize the efficiency gains that AI is delivering to a variety of other industries. Examples of intended outcomes from AI include changes in: 

  • the quality and timeliness of intelligence data available to military commanders 
  • the effectiveness in planning and conducting operations 
  • reducing the risk to life of armed forces personnel through the use of uncrewed, autonomous platforms 
  • automating routine tasks to free defence personnel up to do higher value activities 
  • achieving better value for the taxpayer by making the business of defence more efficient 


DASA and DAIC are interested in funding proposals that bring significant benefits to defence through the use of AI. 

  • autonomous logistics and any research with the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of the logistics chain or increase availability 
  • exploiting operational data, e.g., to support intelligence analysis, or to protect the force. This could require using open-source data or classified data from any source, including sensors; if the exploitation of the innovation is likely to use classified data, your proposal would benefit from considering how this could be achieved (please note that no classified data will be provided) 
  • human-machine teaming for military effect (including the use of autonomous systems within the force, and the coordination of multiple crewed / autonomous systems) 
  • machine-speed decision making (e.g., to support operational planning and command and control) 
  • increasing efficiency, or how defence manages and supports its people and its systems 


Read the full IFA and submit a proposal. 

Source: Defence and Security Accelerator, 

Has the UK-Horizon Europe Association reached a breakthrough?

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen says, the moment the Protocol agreement is approved, negotiations on the UK rejoining the science research programme can start. 

In an effort to resolve the problems affecting post-Brexit trade and regulations in Northern Ireland, the president of the European Commission and Rishi Sunak have reached a "in principle" agreement to revise the protocol.  

Additionally, Ms. von der Leyen claimed that approval of the Windsor Framework would make it possible for the UK to rejoin the €95.5 billion (£84.1 billion) Horizon programme. "This Windsor Framework is fantastic news for scientists and researchers in the European Union and in the UK," she told a press conference in Windsor. 

Academics, lobbyists, and politicians are urging the two sides to complete affiliation as quickly as possible after 18 months of uncertainty as it appears that the main barrier to the UK joining Horizon Europe has been removed. 

According to MEP Christian Ehler, a rapporteur for Horizon Europe in the European Parliament, the Windsor framework was a significant development in the relationship between the EU and the UK. “If a large majority in Westminster supports this agreement, the UK will once again be a trustworthy partner for the EU, and we must immediately complete the UK's association with Horizon Europe”, he said. 

The UK government has consistently pledged that researchers and firms will get at least as much money from the EU initiative during the 2021–27 EU budget term if the UK is permanently excluded from Horizon Europe. In accordance with the TCA (Trade and Cooperation Agreement) , the UK would be permitted to take part in the Copernicus earth and space observation initiative in exchange for making an annual financing contribution of about €2 billion.