Medi2Data Awarded Innovate UK Smart Grant

Project Title:
My Health Wallet – A Patient Centric Mobile Application To Securely Hold and Transmit Medical Data.
Innovate UK Smart Grant
Start Date:
12 months
Grant Amount:
Our Role:
Bid Writing

RedKnight are delighted to have supported South Wales based Medi2Data with a successful application to Innovate UK. The healthcare software company will receive a Smart Grant of £259,100 to further develop its innovative mobile application, ‘eMR Health Passport.’
Using the company’s flagship proprietary software, eMR, Medi2Data develops highly secure applications that make it simple for GP practices and patients to exchange data. The project, titled eMR Health Passport – A patient-centric mobile application to securely hold and transmit medical data, aims to further enhance the technology’s potential by developing a fully interactive app that will securely hold a copy of the patient’s medical record in an easy-to-navigate format.
Crucially, eMR Health Passport provides a digital solution to two of today’s most pressing healthcare challenges: 1) GPs are becoming overwhelmed by GDPR requirements for data handling and requests for patient medical records from third parties, costing primary care an estimated £70m. Medi2Data estimates these costs could be considerably reduced by using eMR technology and interfacing through the health passport with the patient. 2) eMR Health Passport also offers a novel solution to rising levels of mental illness, distress, and low wellbeing among UK Higher Education students. It provides students with the first free patient-centric health wallet with access to real-time data monitoring performance.
The interactive app will allow users to control who sees their medical data, ensuring appropriate consent. Information stored in the app can be pushed back to their GP practice from health organisations outside the NHS, or overseas, and ‘redacted’ records can be created for authorised third parties to receive.
The enhanced application will allow users to access and update their health record from anywhere in the world at any time, improving patient outcomes and the relationship between GP and patient.
Mr Richard Freeman, CEO of Medi2Data said of the success,
“We’re delighted to be receiving this grant from Innovate UK in order to develop and enhance our proprietary technologies. The Smart Grant means we can build on our achievements and test new innovative software and applications that not only gives patients control of their medical data, but has the potential for significant societal impact in how healthcare services are delivered for decades to come.
The support we received from RedKnight was excellent. Their professional approach and knowledge of the process was crucial in helping us secure the funding.”
Helping companies grow is RedKnight’s core mission. You can find out more about the types of projects we support here.

RedKnight are delighted to have supported South Wales based Medi2Data with a successful application to Innovate UK. The healthcare software company will receive a Smart Grant of £259,100 to further develop its innovative mobile application, ‘eMR Health Passport.’
Using the company’s flagship proprietary software, eMR, Medi2Data develops highly secure applications that make it simple for GP practices and patients to exchange data. The project, titled eMR Health Passport – A patient-centric mobile application to securely hold and transmit medical data, aims to further enhance the technology’s potential by developing a fully interactive app that will securely hold a copy of the patient’s medical record in an easy-to-navigate format.
Crucially, eMR Health Passport provides a digital solution to two of today’s most pressing healthcare challenges: 1) GPs are becoming overwhelmed by GDPR requirements for data handling and requests for patient medical records from third parties, costing primary care an estimated £70m. Medi2Data estimates these costs could be considerably reduced by using eMR technology and interfacing through the health passport with the patient. 2) eMR Health Passport also offers a novel solution to rising levels of mental illness, distress, and low wellbeing among UK Higher Education students. It provides students with the first free patient-centric health wallet with access to real-time data monitoring performance.
The interactive app will allow users to control who sees their medical data, ensuring appropriate consent. Information stored in the app can be pushed back to their GP practice from health organisations outside the NHS, or overseas, and ‘redacted’ records can be created for authorised third parties to receive.
The enhanced application will allow users to access and update their health record from anywhere in the world at any time, improving patient outcomes and the relationship between GP and patient.
Mr Richard Freeman, CEO of Medi2Data said of the success,
“We’re delighted to be receiving this grant from Innovate UK in order to develop and enhance our proprietary technologies. The Smart Grant means we can build on our achievements and test new innovative software and applications that not only gives patients control of their medical data, but has the potential for significant societal impact in how healthcare services are delivered for decades to come.
The support we received from RedKnight was excellent. Their professional approach and knowledge of the process was crucial in helping us secure the funding.”
Helping companies grow is RedKnight’s core mission. You can find out more about the types of projects we support here.
Free Space Optical Links for 5G networks (FrOLik)

Project Title:
Free Space Optical for 5G
Start Date:
24 months
Grant Amount:
Our Role:
Bid Writing

RedKnight is pleased to announce another successful grant funding application. Free Space Optical Links for 5G networks (FrOLik) will receive €674,160 from Eureka Eurostars to develop its innovative Free Space Optical (FSO) links technology. Impressively, FrOLik ranked 16th out of all 500 eligible applications to the September 2020 call! This is a testament to the strength of the team and the project’s innovation potential.
The project comprises the following R&D-performing SMEs: Integrated Compound Semiconductor Ltd (ICS – Manchester, UK), VTEC Lasers and Sensors BV (Eindhoven, Netherlands) and Aircision BV (Eindhoven, Netherlands). The Compound Semiconductor Centre (South Wales) will also provide support.
FrOLik aims to deliver a novel FSO communication product for 5G infrastructure deployment. Currently, point-to-point fibre optic links are the standard deployment option as they provide high integrity and high bandwidth transmission. FSO is a more flexible and lower-cost alternative, but it suffers from outages in adverse weather conditions.
The project involves an innovative structured laser beam technology that enables long-range, 100 Gb/s data transmission with high link reliability. This was developed by The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and subsequently commercialised by Aircision. By leveraging the laser beam technology with unique high-performance detector technology (developed by ICS) and new high-speed component integration techniques (developed by VTEC), FrOLik hopes to deliver a radically new FSO system optimised for 5G interfacing.
It will address the trade-off between bandwidth and range backhaul with two clear advantages:
1) Firstly, the system is easily deployable and cost-effective in comparison to fibre optic links.
2) Compared to microwave links, the system is easier to upgrade, requires no spectrum licenses, and consumes less electricity.
Professor Wyn Meredith, Managing Director of the Compound Semiconductor Centre, said of the success,
“This project brings together highly specialist photonic component and communications system expertise at different levels in a technically challenging supply chain. RedKnight took away the burden of developing the framework and broader narrative of the proposal, to allow the consortium to focus on articulating the advantages of a collaborative approach, and the uniqueness of the proposal solution. The fact that the proposal ranked in the top 5% of all bids submitted in the call speaks for itself….”
If you are a tech-based startup or SME and would like help securing grant funding, then please contact RedKnight today.

RedKnight is pleased to announce another successful grant funding application. Free Space Optical Links for 5G networks (FrOLik) will receive €674,160 from Eureka Eurostars to develop its innovative Free Space Optical (FSO) links technology. Impressively, FrOLik ranked 16th out of all 500 eligible applications to the September 2020 call! This is a testament to the strength of the team and the project’s innovation potential.
The project comprises the following R&D-performing SMEs: Integrated Compound Semiconductor Ltd (ICS – Manchester, UK), VTEC Lasers and Sensors BV (Eindhoven, Netherlands) and Aircision BV (Eindhoven, Netherlands). The Compound Semiconductor Centre (South Wales) will also provide support.
FrOLik aims to deliver a novel FSO communication product for 5G infrastructure deployment. Currently, point-to-point fibre optic links are the standard deployment option as they provide high integrity and high bandwidth transmission. FSO is a more flexible and lower-cost alternative, but it suffers from outages in adverse weather conditions.
The project involves an innovative structured laser beam technology that enables long-range, 100 Gb/s data transmission with high link reliability. This was developed by The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and subsequently commercialised by Aircision. By leveraging the laser beam technology with unique high-performance detector technology (developed by ICS) and new high-speed component integration techniques (developed by VTEC), FrOLik hopes to deliver a radically new FSO system optimised for 5G interfacing.
It will address the trade-off between bandwidth and range backhaul with two clear advantages:
1) Firstly, the system is easily deployable and cost-effective in comparison to fibre optic links.
2) Compared to microwave links, the system is easier to upgrade, requires no spectrum licenses, and consumes less electricity.
Professor Wyn Meredith, Managing Director of the Compound Semiconductor Centre, said of the success,
“This project brings together highly specialist photonic component and communications system expertise at different levels in a technically challenging supply chain. RedKnight took away the burden of developing the framework and broader narrative of the proposal, to allow the consortium to focus on articulating the advantages of a collaborative approach, and the uniqueness of the proposal solution. The fact that the proposal ranked in the top 5% of all bids submitted in the call speaks for itself….”
If you are a tech-based startup or SME and would like help securing grant funding, then please contact RedKnight today.
Proxximos Ltd

Project Title:
A digital solution for Infection Prevention & Control
Innovate UK Biomedical Catalyst
Start Date:
12 months
Grant Amount:
Our Role:

RedKnight is delighted to announce it has supported Proxximos Ltd with its successful application to Innovate UK’s Biomedical Catalyst (BMC) competition, providing the innovative start-up with £239,000 in non-dilutive grant funding.
Proxximos is developing an innovative solution to prevent Healthcare Acquired Infections (HCAIs) from spreading around hospitals. The solution is based on the concept of digital contact tracing. The aim is to find people infected with a pathogen before they become infectious and spread it to a new host. Without a new host, a pathogen cannot prosper. Proxximos’ solution exploits wearable technology and is fast, accurate and capable of tackling any communicable pathogen found in a hospital.
The objective of the BMC project is to investigate the solution in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT). The project will enable Proxximos to develop and certify the solution, with the end goal of marketing it to healthcare customers in the UK and internationally.
The benefits of such a solution for the NHS could be enormous. 20% of NHS beds are occupied by patients who are overstaying due to HCAIs, and the annual direct treatment costs for these people is £2.8 billion. HCAIs cause 22,000 patient deaths per year (not including Covid-19). If the project is successful, the resulting product could increase NHS capacity by 5-10% whilst saving more than £1 billion in direct treatment costs.
Proxximos CEO, Mr Peter Whawell (MSc, MBA, OBE), said of the success “We are delighted with this success. The Innovate UK grant enables us to pursue a project otherwise out-of-reach, and is an important step for us as we pursue our vision of a world largely free from communicable disease. I am especially grateful to RedKnight for their excellent support which helped us to communicate our case”

RedKnight is delighted to announce it has supported Proxximos Ltd with its successful application to Innovate UK’s Biomedical Catalyst (BMC) competition, providing the innovative start-up with £239,000 in non-dilutive grant funding.
Proxximos is developing an innovative solution to prevent Healthcare Acquired Infections (HCAIs) from spreading around hospitals. The solution is based on the concept of digital contact tracing. The aim is to find people infected with a pathogen before they become infectious and spread it to a new host. Without a new host, a pathogen cannot prosper. Proxximos’ solution exploits wearable technology and is fast, accurate and capable of tackling any communicable pathogen found in a hospital.
The objective of the BMC project is to investigate the solution in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT). The project will enable Proxximos to develop and certify the solution, with the end goal of marketing it to healthcare customers in the UK and internationally.
The benefits of such a solution for the NHS could be enormous. 20% of NHS beds are occupied by patients who are overstaying due to HCAIs, and the annual direct treatment costs for these people is £2.8 billion. HCAIs cause 22,000 patient deaths per year (not including Covid-19). If the project is successful, the resulting product could increase NHS capacity by 5-10% whilst saving more than £1 billion in direct treatment costs.
Proxximos CEO, Mr Peter Whawell (MSc, MBA, OBE), said of the success “We are delighted with this success. The Innovate UK grant enables us to pursue a project otherwise out-of-reach, and is an important step for us as we pursue our vision of a world largely free from communicable disease. I am especially grateful to RedKnight for their excellent support which helped us to communicate our case”
Efuels Technologies Ltd

Project Title:
Power-to-gas via microbial electrosynthesis of methane from biogenic CO2.
Innovate UK Fast Start: Innovation
Start Date:
6 months
Grant Amount:
Our Role:

Through SETsquared’s Scale-Up Programme, RedKnight, has supported Efuels Technologies Ltd with its successful application to Innovate UK’s Fast Start competition, helping the innovative start-up to secure £50k.
SETsquared’s Scale-Up Programme supports businesses to raise public funding and private equity. RedKnight is one of several approved grant-writing consultancies on the programme and provided Efuels with grant-writing services to secure this bid.
Efuels Technologies is developing a novel power-to-methane technology to store renewable energy within the existing natural gas infrastructure. If the technology is successfully upscaled, energy generators could use curtailed electricity to convert biogenic CO2 into synthetic natural gas. The Fast Start innovation funding will allow the company, in collaboration with the University of Surrey, to build evidence of market validation and a bench-scale prototype of the technology.
Dr Jose Batista, Founder of Efuels Technology Ltd said, “The connection of the electricity, and gas network will play a pivotal role in the UK’s transition to net zero. The UK is nowadays writing a new chapter of the grapple against climate change. Today, wind farms provide more than 21% of the total power generated. This is fantastic but the intermittency in wind power generation has led to a big problem. Negative electricity prices are already reported during windy days when supply surpasses demand. As soon as the grid exceeds capacity, wind farms must switch off to avoid collateral damage to the network. However, they are compensated via a constraint payment, which is passed onto consumers’ energy bills. It is known consumers have paid over £650m worth of constraint payments to wind farms. The government now wants 50 gigawatts (GW) of the UK's electricity from offshore wind by the end of the decade. If this problem remains unsolved, consumers will face larger costs in the energy bill”.
Efuels Technologies proposes a simple but challenging solution. It aims to leverage the 7,660 km of existing gas pipelines across the UK to store and transport energy surpluses from wind farms. It achieves this by converting excess renewable power into methane, which can be injected into the gas network with no regulatory barriers. The technology could create a unique bi-directional link between the electricity and gas industry to unlock more flexibility and reliability of supply into the energy market.

Through SETsquared’s Scale-Up Programme, RedKnight, has supported Efuels Technologies Ltd with its successful application to Innovate UK’s Fast Start competition, helping the innovative start-up to secure £50k.
SETsquared’s Scale-Up Programme supports businesses to raise public funding and private equity. RedKnight is one of several approved grant-writing consultancies on the programme and provided Efuels with grant-writing services to secure this bid.
Efuels Technologies is developing a novel power-to-methane technology to store renewable energy within the existing natural gas infrastructure. If the technology is successfully upscaled, energy generators could use curtailed electricity to convert biogenic CO2 into synthetic natural gas. The Fast Start innovation funding will allow the company, in collaboration with the University of Surrey, to build evidence of market validation and a bench-scale prototype of the technology.
Dr Jose Batista, Founder of Efuels Technology Ltd said, “The connection of the electricity, and gas network will play a pivotal role in the UK’s transition to net zero. The UK is nowadays writing a new chapter of the grapple against climate change. Today, wind farms provide more than 21% of the total power generated. This is fantastic but the intermittency in wind power generation has led to a big problem. Negative electricity prices are already reported during windy days when supply surpasses demand. As soon as the grid exceeds capacity, wind farms must switch off to avoid collateral damage to the network. However, they are compensated via a constraint payment, which is passed onto consumers’ energy bills. It is known consumers have paid over £650m worth of constraint payments to wind farms. The government now wants 50 gigawatts (GW) of the UK's electricity from offshore wind by the end of the decade. If this problem remains unsolved, consumers will face larger costs in the energy bill”.
Efuels Technologies proposes a simple but challenging solution. It aims to leverage the 7,660 km of existing gas pipelines across the UK to store and transport energy surpluses from wind farms. It achieves this by converting excess renewable power into methane, which can be injected into the gas network with no regulatory barriers. The technology could create a unique bi-directional link between the electricity and gas industry to unlock more flexibility and reliability of supply into the energy market.
Thermetrix Ltd

Project Title:
A home device and cloud portal for diabetic foot ulcer monitoring
SME Instrument – Phase 1
Start Date:
6 months
Grant Amount:
€50,000 (ca. £44,186.5)
Our Role:
Bid Writing

Funded by the SME Instrument within the H2020 programme, Thermetrix’s disruptive technology PODIUM uses a combination of thermochromic liquid crystal sheet and high-res cameras, to provide a state-of-the-art diabetic foot monitor that can provide accurate early warning on the formation of Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFUs).
The thermal patterns so picked up by PODIUM will be transmitted to a cloud portal helping patients, family and medical staff to detect and immediately treat conditions before the onset of ulceration. In this way, stress and inflammation can be reduced, tissue damage limited and the foot will return to normal. Critically, up to 80% of DFUs may be avoided.
Funded by the SME Instrument within the H2020 programme, Thermetrix’s disruptive technology PODIUM uses a combination of thermochromic liquid crystal sheet and high-res cameras, to provide a state-of-the-art diabetic foot monitor that can provide accurate early warning on the formation of Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFUs).
The thermal patterns so picked up by PODIUM will be transmitted to a cloud portal helping patients, family and medical staff to detect and immediately treat conditions before the onset of ulceration. In this way, stress and inflammation can be reduced, tissue damage limited and the foot will return to normal. Critically, up to 80% of DFUs may be avoided.
Integrated Compound Semiconductors

Project Title:
Monolithically Integrated Detectors for Next Generation Communication Applications.
Start Date:
24 months
Grant Amount:
€623,812 (ca. £560,145)
Our Role:
Bid Writing

Global IP traffic will increase 3x over the next 5 years to 3.3ZB pa (CAGR 24%), having increased 127x from 2005, creating an enormous market for fibre optic communications components. The EU has built a significant proportion of GDP on digital activities. The datacentre infrastructure required to deliver such services must embrace step changes in data rate improvements to keep pace with demand, but require reliable, mass produced, high quality optical transceivers to achieve this aim.
MISCA aims to lever semiconductor material integration to deliver disruptive, scalable component platforms, addressing demands of next generation telecommunications and datacommunications optical infrastructure. Project partners will use intelligent monolithic integration of compound semiconductor materials platforms to deliver high-speed detector solutions with co-optimised RF and optical performance.
Global IP traffic will increase 3x over the next 5 years to 3.3ZB pa (CAGR 24%), having increased 127x from 2005, creating an enormous market for fibre optic communications components. The EU has built a significant proportion of GDP on digital activities. The datacentre infrastructure required to deliver such services must embrace step changes in data rate improvements to keep pace with demand, but require reliable, mass produced, high quality optical transceivers to achieve this aim.
MISCA aims to lever semiconductor material integration to deliver disruptive, scalable component platforms, addressing demands of next generation telecommunications and datacommunications optical infrastructure. Project partners will use intelligent monolithic integration of compound semiconductor materials platforms to deliver high-speed detector solutions with co-optimised RF and optical performance.

Project Title:
A Next-Generation Platform for Novel Drug Discovery Using Deep Learning of ADMET Properties.
Innovate UK Health & Life Sciences
Start Date:
24 months
Grant Amount:
Our Role:
Bid Writing

DeepADMET aims to create a "next generation" platform providing novel methods for compound selection and design for drug discovery purposes, building on Optibrium's current software, StarDropTM.
Through expanding the range of ADMET properties that can be modelled and improving their reliability by applying modern 'deep learning' methods, Optibrium can improve the accuracy and applicability of these models.
Proof-of-concept work indicates their methods provide a unique advantage over 'off-the-shelf' deep learning methods when applied to sparse, uncertain data of the type found in drug discovery.
DeepADMET aims to create a "next generation" platform providing novel methods for compound selection and design for drug discovery purposes, building on Optibrium's current software, StarDropTM.
Through expanding the range of ADMET properties that can be modelled and improving their reliability by applying modern 'deep learning' methods, Optibrium can improve the accuracy and applicability of these models.
Proof-of-concept work indicates their methods provide a unique advantage over 'off-the-shelf' deep learning methods when applied to sparse, uncertain data of the type found in drug discovery.
Bond Digital Health Solutions

Project Title:
A digital solution for patient-centred management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Innovate UK Precision Medicine
Start Date:
6 months
Grant Amount:
Our Role:
Bid Writing

Through Metis, Bond Digital Health Solutions aim to create a wearable technology that can provide a digital solution to the current void that exists between patients suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and their doctors. Such “clinical whitespace” often causes a dramatic loss of relevant patient data which could be better used to provide more effective COPD management.
Thanks to this grant, Bond will be able to further develop the product which will equip medical practitioners with independent, accurate analysis of patient data providing valuable, comprehensive insights and evidence-based care.
Through Metis, Bond Digital Health Solutions aim to create a wearable technology that can provide a digital solution to the current void that exists between patients suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and their doctors. Such “clinical whitespace” often causes a dramatic loss of relevant patient data which could be better used to provide more effective COPD management.
Thanks to this grant, Bond will be able to further develop the product which will equip medical practitioners with independent, accurate analysis of patient data providing valuable, comprehensive insights and evidence-based care.

Project Title:
International impact of TALK©: a simple and practical approach to multi-professional structured feedback and debriefing, to be used after unplanned learning events in clinical environments.
H2020 – Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (Research & innovation Staff Exchange)
Start Date:
36 months
Grant Amount:
Our Role:
Bid Writing

The TALK project aims to guide multi-professional clinical teams learning and improving quality of patient care and patient safety together.
The project has contributed to parallel implementation processes in specified units across the 3 participating countries and included research to better understand the benefits of structured debriefing and organisational culture.
Finally, using the data generated from the research study, the tool has been implemented across all participating partners and its impact is going to be assessed.
The TALK project aims to guide multi-professional clinical teams learning and improving quality of patient care and patient safety together.
The project has contributed to parallel implementation processes in specified units across the 3 participating countries and included research to better understand the benefits of structured debriefing and organisational culture.
Finally, using the data generated from the research study, the tool has been implemented across all participating partners and its impact is going to be assessed.

Project Title:
A rapid, non-invasive, cost-effective, analytical device for bacterial or viral infection diagnosis through ultra-high sensitivity breath analysis.
H2020 – Fast Track to Innovation
Start Date:
27 months
Grant Amount:
Our Role:
Bid Writing & Project Management

The BreathSpec project aims to develop a rapid, non-invasive device that can diagnose bacterial or viral infections through ultra-high sensitivity breath analysis.
Once developed the BreathSpec device will help reduce the development of anti-bacterial resistance and alleviate the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through improved diagnosis of antibiotic treatment.
The device will also reduce the scientific, clinical and financial challenges associated with the development of new antibiotics.
The BreathSpec project aims to develop a rapid, non-invasive device that can diagnose bacterial or viral infections through ultra-high sensitivity breath analysis.
Once developed the BreathSpec device will help reduce the development of anti-bacterial resistance and alleviate the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through improved diagnosis of antibiotic treatment.
The device will also reduce the scientific, clinical and financial challenges associated with the development of new antibiotics.